| Arizona Mountain Biking

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I haven't touched this blog for years...Four and a half years to be exact. I decided to do a little housekeeping on the blog, get it cleaned up and then send it out to the singletrack pastures of the interwebs. While I was looking through the archives I remembered how much fun I had starting this old blog. I started reading some of my early posts and watching some of the vids I shot in the early 2000s, when seeing a helmet cam on the trail was as rare as it was to see an e-bike in 2018. I shot this with an old sony cyber shot 5.1 MP camera that I strategically placed on the trail. This video is nothing special compared to today's standards but it was novel enough back in 2006 to get the attention of a media outlet and a clip of it appeared on the series "Race to the Moment." Again, nothing to shout about by today's social media standards, but it was pretty cool back then. Here you go, National on 100mm of travel. Enjoy the Cake.