Using Kangen Water® for Greener Living! :: Highland, UT • (800) 584-3596 • Enagic Kangen Water® Distributor - Bob and Laurel Hilke - VeryHealthyWater™, DBA of Hilke Enterprises LLC

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Using Kangen Water® for Greener Living! :: Highland, UT • (800) 584-3596 • Enagic Kangen Water® Distributor - Bob and Laurel Hilke - VeryHealthyWater™, DBA of Hilke Enterprises LLC

Enagic Kangen Water Ionizers produce five types of pH balanced water for drinking healthy ionized alkaline water, cleaning with strong alkaline water, sanitizing with strong acidic water, and cooking and personal care with water ionizers for any size need and budget. The SD501 Kangen Water Ionizer is the state of the art industry Gold Standard. Enagic's innovative water technology removes harmful chemicals such as chlorine but preserves the helpful minerals such as calcium, sodium potassium and magnesium.