Managed Web Hosting: Shared, Dedicated, Cloud, Email, Reseller

4.7 - based on 396 reviews
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5.00/5.00 Published: 2017-03-15 13:47

I have only a simple use at glowhost hosting yet but can say they are reliable, the support is fast and good and solved at this time all my problems - not to mention there were only few!

3.40/5.00 Published: 2017-02-18 06:04

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4.80/5.00 Published: 2017-02-16 12:05

Best support. is cool web host. I had an issue with my WordPress site where I could not log unto the admin page and get to edit and work on my site. I tried for 2 days to resolve it on my own and reach frustration. I reached out to the glowhost hosting helpdesk and they were able to fix it. in no time. I could not be more impress with the service and speed of their response. There is no question to me the service at glowhost hosting is cool to all others.

4.80/5.00 Published: 2017-02-01 12:48

A few years ago I had chosen one web host, but they didn’t offer the PHP version the developer I hired needed. I left and I spend a week trying to find the solution but to no avail. Then my friend recommended glowhost web host to me. The uptime is pretty good, and last year glowhost had upgraded their HDD’s to solid state drives, which made my website a lot faster.

4.80/5.00 Published: 2014-10-02 09:21

Great hosting! I have been using GlowHost for 6 months now! The server stopped working once but after 11 Minutes they fixed the problem and even upgraded the hardware at no extra charge! Best support ever! They will help you with anything be it Scripts, Billing, or the server itself. If you have a problem. They will be there to help you. And for what you get, the prices are fantastic. Lots of companies charge a lot more for a lot less. I highly recommend GlowHost. I plan on being with them!

5.00/5.00 Published: 2014-07-02 06:11

I have been looking for a time-tested web host for my new web site for about 3 weeks. It was not an easy thing to do I must say as there are so many web host in the hosting market claiming they are the best. After reading good reviews on GlowHost and getting to know they had been providing hosting services since 2002, I decided to give them a try. Rock solid control panel, it is complete-useful-easy-to-use control panel. Support tickets are always answered promptly.

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Managed Web Hosting: Shared, Dedicated, Cloud, Email, Reseller

The best value in managed web hosting services - shared, dedicated, cloud, reseller hosting. Domain registration and secure email included.