IceDragon Game Network :: Gaming Since 1976
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IceDragon Game Network :: Gaming Since 1976
https://icedragon.comGame review and information site for consoles, import, and arcade related hardware." 0) agree ++; else disagree ++; let html_code = ''; if (_value == 1) html_code = html_code + ''; else html_code = html_code + ''; if (agree > 0) html_code = html_code + '' + agree + 'x'; if (_value == 1) html_code = html_code + ' '; else html_code = html_code + ' '; html_code = html_code + ' Useful'; if (_value == -1) html_code = html_code + ''; else html_code = html_code + ''; if (disagree > 0) html_code = html_code + '' + disagree + 'x'; if (_value == -1) html_code = html_code + ' '; else html_code = html_code + ' '; html_code = html_code + ' Not useful'; item.html(html_code); //call $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/vote', data: { 'rev_id': _id, 'vot_value': _value }, type: 'post' }).done(function (data) { if(parseInt(data.code) == 20) { window.location.href = "/message/login"; } }); return false; }