
5 - based on 4 reviews
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5.00/5.00 Published: 2025-02-04 13:50

I am happy dealing with MyDreams vps hosting. They host 4 websites for me. I never had a problem with them and I loved the ease of the control panel, actually miss it now that I have Cpanel. They have been reliable, helpful, and cheap. The servers are fast enough to handle e-commerce. The prices are competitive and the customer support is definitely a big plus with them.

5.00/5.00 Published: 2024-12-25 14:01

Everything worked fine and I decided to upgrade to VPS server Full hosting account for €18.42/mo. The customer support helped me with the process of upgrading and now my website is running fast and efficiently. Everything works fine with Anonymous VPS hosting. When I contact Mydreams, they were extremely patient as I cluelessly asked for various ports to be opened to allow extra functionality on one of my sites. They even have nice scripting extras and spamassassin. Excellent customer support. Recommended.

5.00/5.00 Published: 2020-09-17 07:48

I have recommended their anonymous hosting to colleagues and they have had a similar experience. Excellent service, great value. Fantastic anonymous hosting service, incredibly well trained staff, and they didn't bat an eyelid at sorting out what should have been someone else's problem. Thanks, team.

5.00/5.00 Published: 2020-07-01 13:22

Many thanks to all techs at Mydreams - I am happy. I bought their 49,99 USD/month server, and their features fit my needs perfectly: they accept customers who insert 'some info' without VAT ID, don't care what I am doing with my server, offer various ip address ranges - so I found exactly what I was looking for. + they accept bitcoins.

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