Rental Mobil Jogja Lepas Kunci & Wisata Murah - Sabila Transport

4.8 - based on 1 reviews
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4.80/5.00 Published: 2014-09-15 01:42

Sabila Transport is the best car rental and tour agency in Yogyakarta. If you visit Yogyakarta you can contact them to provide various travel services that you need. I am sure they will give you a great experienced in exploring Yogyakarta city. Highly recommended!!

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Rental Mobil Jogja Lepas Kunci & Wisata Murah - Sabila Transport

Rental Mobil Jogja, Paket Wisata dan Tour Murah, Sewa Mobil Lepas Kunci atau dengan Supir + BBM Tarif Mulai Rp65.000 Paling Hemat di Yogyakarta.